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Healthcare ISO deploys AWS LLM Bedrock to Improve BioMed Efficiency
Macula unlocks operational efficiency with GenAI across 400 BioMed technicians
April 26, 2024
Value Beyond the Deal
After you land that important funding round...what next?
April 26, 2021
K2 Software’s Product/Market Fit Retrospective
Scale-up Gap Challenge - K2 optimized Product/Market Fit to unlock new revenue and customer growth which setup the company for acquisition by Nintex.
April 5, 2021
Kony’s Product/Market Fit Retrospective
Scale-up Gap Challenge - Kony's optimized Product/Market Fit unlocked new revenue and customer growth leading to the company’s acquisition by Temenos.
March 15, 2021
Why startups “get stuck”?
Scale-up Gap Challenge - Why do mid/late-stage startups fail to maintain their growth levels as they scale?
March 8, 2021
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